How to Play Steel Drums?

Is being a drummer your dream? Are you trying to learn drums on your own? If yes, then this article is for you. There are tons of blogs and articles on how to play steel drums but consuming all the information one at a time can be confusing for the person and it can also hinder the learning process. The article below has simplified information on steel drums.

How to play steel drums?

how to play steel drums

Learning a new skill can be a daunting process; it most of time leads to growth but can also be tough. On top of that, if the skill is learning how to play drums. For playing drums, the person needs concentration and focus and also good coordination between both the hands of the player.

But playing drums can also be fun, for mastering the art of playing steel drums the user has to start by learning steel pan techniques. The steel pan techniques form the basics of playing drums. The shape of the drum is unusual and most of the time is the reason why a lot of people start playing drums. But most of the time, this circular shape also presents a lot of challenges to the user.

What are some steel pan techniques?

Although there are a lot of methods and techniques but the most basic ones that any beginner can start. One of them is the playing position. The playing position is very important for delivering a stable performance. The playing position determines the distance the user should keep from the drums. The drummer should stand 4 to 5 feet away from the drums, along with that he should stand directly in front of the drums and not diagonally or opposite it. The next thing is to maintain the body balance by spreading the body weight evenly.

The next technique is the grip. This technique is the most basic and is the same for all drum players. According to this technique, the user needs to hold the mallets between his right hand’s thumb and the first joint of the finger. Other fingers should be wounded around the shaft of the stick. In this position, the drummer should be able to touch his fingertips on his palm. Numerically speaking, the distance should not be more than half an inch. The next technique is the steel pan strokes. The drummer is supposed to learn basic strokes for being a good drummer. Two of the basic strokes are the piston stroke and the flick. For using the flick stroke, the user has to do the flicking action back and forth.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. Where can the user buy steel drums?

    Although steel drums are not very common, they are available on the internet. The user has to search for websites that sell them.

  2. Why are steel drums so expensive?

    Since playing steel drums is hard and the demand is high, the supply of the drums is low. They are not available at an affordable rate.

William Larson
William Larson

Hi, I am William. I am a music enthusiast. I play the guitar and ukulele. I like to try out all instruments and review them, to help others make an informed decision. You must choose the right instrument to get that sweet sound you desire. When I am not on my instruments I will be found reading or cooking.

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